Processing of personal data

Your privacy is very important for the Park Hotel, and this is why we handle your personal data with the greatest possible care, in compliance with Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003 providing regulations on personal data protection, and also with Recommendation no. 2/2001, adopted by European authorities, meeting in the working party established pursuant to Art. 29 of European Directive 95/46/EC, on 17 May 2001, for the identification of certain minimum requirements for collecting personal data online.

Controller of data processing

Visits to this site may result in the processing of personal data regarding identified or identifiable persons. The controller of data processing is Park Hotel, Lung. Rasi Spinelli, 46 — 47841 Cattolica (RN),, VAT no. 01453420406 — CIR: A01807 099002-AL-00105.

Optionality of communication of personal data

Users are free to communicate the personal data provided in request forms to the Park Hotel or indicated in other ways to ask for the transmission of information materials or other communications. Failure to provide the required information may make it impossible to supply the requested services.

Processing methods

Personal data are processed with automated methods, and only for the time strictly necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are applied to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect uses and unauthorized access.

Rights of the interested parties

The parties that are the subject of personal data have the right at any moment to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of these data and to be made aware of their content and origin, to verify their accuracy or to request their supplementing or updating, or their correction (Art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003). Pursuant to this article, you have the right to request the cancellation, the transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of data processed in violation of the law, or in any event to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons.

For all further enquiries on compliance with the privacy protection policy applied by the Park Hotel, please contact us at: